Forex Tutorial

How to Develop a Forex Trading Plan

A Forex trading plan is a written set of rules and guidelines that you will follow when trading Forex. It should include your entry and exit criteria, risk management strategy, and money management strategy. Having a trading plan is essential for success in Forex trading. It will help you to stay disciplined and to avoid


Forex Tutorial

How to Stay Disciplined in Forex Trading

Discipline is essential for success in Forex trading. The market can be unpredictable and volatile, and it is important to stick to your trading plan even when things are not going your way. Here are some tips on how to stay disciplined in Forex trading: Have a trading plan. A trading plan is a set


Forex Tutorial

Epicinvest24 Review – Should You Trade with This Online Broker?

  To experience a smooth and productive trading routine, selecting a trustworthy, secure, cost-effective, and feature-rich service provider is imperative. In this review, we will examine Epicinvest24, a reputable brokerage platform famous for its extensive asset offerings and reliable trading conditions. Read our findings to determine whether this broker aligns with your trading disposition or


Forex Tutorial

Japanese candlesticks and patterns

Japanese candlestick represents characteristics of price movements of a trading instrument during a certain time period. It was discovered in the XVIII century in Japan. The candlestick represents a wide rectangle which is called “real body” with upper and lower sections, which are called “shadows” or “wicks”. Japanese candlesticks in the system of coordinates, where


Forex Tutorial

How to control your emotions while trading forex

Mindset is crucial to your currency trading success In this article, we will talk about emotions that need to be controlled and how to do it. There are several emotions that can take control of an unsuspecting trader – greed, a need for a revenge (revenge trading), impatience, and overconfidence. We are sure, that you


Forex Tutorial

Technical analysis tools for Forex trading

The main task of every trader in the Forex market is money making. To achieve maximum results you have to know analysis of historical data to be able to determine future trend. Package of standard tools in the “MetaTrader” platform allows you effectively analyze the price trend. What is the technical analysis in Forex Forex


Forex Tutorial

Technical analysis in the Forex market

Technical analysis is a set of methods for determining the moment for the transaction, based on the study of price trends. The analysis is carried out by construction of charts and previous market behavior research in order to predict the price movement for the future. Technical analysis may comprise graphical and mathematical analysis. Graphical analysis


Forex Tutorial

Overview of Forex Trading

What is Forex? “Forex” stands for for­eign exchange; it’s also known as FX. In a Forex trade, you buy one cur­rency while simul­ta­ne­ously sell­ing another. Cur­ren­cies trade in pairs, like the Euro-US Dol­lar (EUR/USD) or US Dol­lar / Japan­ese Yen (USD/JPY). Forex trad­ing is used to spec­u­late on the rel­a­tive strength of one cur­rency against another. The for­eign


Forex Tutorial

How to Trade Forex

Learning how to trade forex is not particularly easy unless you have money you are willing to throw at one of those automated robot trading programs. I am not going to sit here and lull you into a false sense of confidence either – making money trading forex is ball-busting, gut-wrenching, stress-gnawing hard. On the other